agent: |
H3wfI0kUT28iljKNCuw2Enable Scheduled Patching for Azure VM
Enable Scheduled Patching for Azure VM
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This task involves setting "patchMode" to "AutomaticByPlatform" and "bypassPlatformSafetyChecksOnUserSchedule" to True. This configures VMs for automatic updates on a customer managed schedule(a prerequisite to enable scheduled patching successfully).
import json
def extract_vm_names_and_resource_groups(processed_vms):
extracted_details = []
for vm in processed_vms:
# Directly extract 'vm_name' and 'resource_group' from each dictionary
vm_name = vm.get("vm_name")
resource_group = vm.get("resource_group")
extracted_details.append((vm_name, resource_group))
return extracted_details
def construct_and_execute_patch_commands(subscription_id, resource_groups, vm_names, api_version, body_dict):
if len(vm_names) != len(resource_groups):
print("Error: The lengths of vm_names and resource_groups do not match.")
# Convert the Python dictionary to a JSON string
body_json = json.dumps(body_dict, ensure_ascii=False).replace('True', 'true').replace('False', 'false') # Correctly replace Python True to JSON true
for vm_name, resource_group in zip(vm_names, resource_groups):
url = f"{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/{resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vm_name}?api-version={api_version}"
# Construct the full command. Note: For actual execution, consider splitting and escaping correctly.
command = f"""az rest --method patch --url '{url}' --body '{body_json}'"""
print(f"Executing patch command for VM: {vm_name} in resource_group: {resource_group}")
result = _exe(None, command)
print(f"Enabled Scheduled Patching(Customer Managed Schedules) for Azure VM: {vm_name}")
# Extract VM names and resource groups
extracted_vm_details = extract_vm_names_and_resource_groups(processed_vms)
api_version = "2024-03-01"
body_dict = {
"properties": {
"osProfile": {
"windowsConfiguration": {
"provisionVMAgent": True,
"enableAutomaticUpdates": True,
"patchSettings": {
"patchMode": "AutomaticByPlatform",
"automaticByPlatformSettings": {
"bypassPlatformSafetyChecksOnUserSchedule": True
# Unpack the extracted VM details into separate lists
vm_names, resource_groups = zip(*extracted_vm_details)
# Execute patch commands for extracted VMs
construct_and_execute_patch_commands(subscription_id, list(resource_groups), list(vm_names), api_version, body_dict)