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Application not responding

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This runbooks is an end to end health check automation for our application.

  1. 1

    Get instance id of a hostname

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    This task just gets the ec2 instance id for a given host based on the label.

    cmd = f'aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values={hostname}" --query "Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId" --output text' op = _exe(None, cmd) instance_id = op.strip() context.problem = True print(f"Instance id for {hostname} is {instance_id}")
  2. 2

    Ensure that the instance is running

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    Get the instance state and check if the instance is running. If it is not running, start it.

    cmd = f'aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids {instance_id} --query "Reservations[].Instances[].State.Name" --output text' op = _exe(None, cmd) _problem = True if "running" in op: _problem = False _proceed = not _problem host_is_up = not _problem if host_is_up: msg = "Host is up" msg_type = "SUCCESS" else: msg = "Host is not up!" msg_type = "ERROR" print(msg) context.log(msg_type, msg) context.skip_sub_tasks = host_is_up task_title = context.task_title context.job_context[task_title] = {"msg" : msg, "msg_type" : msg_type}
    1. 2.1

      Start an ec2 instance

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      cmd = f'aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids {instance_id}' op = _exe(None, cmd) msg = "Instance was down. Restarted the instance" print(msg) task_title = context.task_title msg_type = "SUCCESS" context.job_context[task_title] = {"msg" : msg, "msg_type" : msg_type}
      1. 2.1.1

        Wait until the instance is running

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        It takes a few seconds for the instance to come up. Keep checking the status for a few seconds. After a specified number of iterations, just give up and print an error message.

        import time op = "" iter = 0 if "running" not in op and iter < 3: cmd = f'aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids {instance_id} --query "Reservations[].Instances[].State.Name" --output text' op = _exe(None, cmd) iter = iter + 1 time.sleep(60) cmd = f'aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids {instance_id} --query "Reservations[].Instances[].State.Name" --output text' op = _exe(None, cmd) task_title = context.task_title if "running" not in op: msg = f"Giving up. The host doesn't seem to be coming up: {instance_id}" msg_type = "ERROR" print(msg) context.proceed = False else: msg = f"This instance {instance_id} is now running" msg_type = "SUCCESS" print(msg) context.log(msg_type, msg) context.job_context[task_title] = {"msg" : msg, "msg_type" : msg_type}
      2. 2.1.2

        Mount the volumes if needed

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        mount /dev/xvdb /data
  3. 3

    Ensure that the application is running

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    Check if our application is running. Check if all the services are running as expected.

    cmd = f'cd /home/ubuntu/dagknows_src/app_docker_compose_build_deploy' op = _exei(instance_id, cmd) cmd = f'sudo docker-compose -f {docker_compose_file} ps' services = [ "postgres", "adminer", "elasticsearch", "documentation", "req-router", "conv-mgr", "apigateway", "ansi-processing", "settings", "conv-sse", "proxy-sse", "nlp", "dag", "nginx" ] broken_services = [] _problem = False for service in services: cmd1 = cmd + f' {service}' op1 = _exei(instance_id, cmd1) print(op1) if 'Up' not in op1: broken_services.append(service) _problem = True if broken_services: msg = f"Broken services: {broken_services}" msg_type = "ERROR" else: msg = "All the services are up and running" msg_type = "SUCCESS" context.log(msg_type, msg) print(msg) task_title = context.task_title context.job_context[task_title] = {"msg" : msg, "msg_type" : msg_type} app_is_up = not _problem context.skip_sub_tasks = app_is_up
    1. 3.1

      Start the application

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      op = _exei(instance_id, "cd /home/ubuntu/dagknows_src/app_docker_compose_build_deploy") cmd = f'make runstaging' op = _exei(instance_id, cmd) time.sleep(30) msg = "Restarting the application" msg_type = "INFO" print(msg) task_title = context.task_title context.job_context[task_title] = {"msg" : msg, "msg_type" : msg_type}
  4. 4

    Ensure that the application is reachable

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    Check if the docker compose file is exposing the relevant port to reach to the application.

    port_str = str(int(port)) url = f"{port_str}" import requests unreachable = False try: resp = requests.get(url, timeout=5) unreachable = (resp.status_code != 200) except: unreachable = True if unreachable: msg = "Application unreachable!" msg_type = "ERROR" else: msg = "Application is reachable" msg_type = "SUCCESS" context.log(msg_type, msg) print(msg) task_title = context.task_title context.job_context[task_title] = {"msg" : msg, "msg_type" : msg_type} context.skip_sub_tasks = not unreachable
    1. 4.1

      Ensure the container port is exposed

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      First check if the container port is exposed

      service = "nginx" op = _exei(instance_id, "cd /home/ubuntu/dagknows_src/app_docker_compose_build_deploy") # First get the container associated with service cmd = f"sudo docker-compose -f {docker_compose_file} ps -q {service}" op = _exei(instance_id, cmd) container_id = op.split('\n')[-2].strip() # Now inspect the container cmd = f"sudo docker inspect {container_id}" op1 = _exe(instance_id, cmd) import json jsn = json.loads(op1) #print(json.dumps(jsn, indent=4)) port_str = f"{port}/tcp" exposed_ports = list(jsn[0]['Config']['ExposedPorts'].keys()) print(exposed_ports) if port_str in exposed_ports: port_is_exposed = True msg = f"Port : {port_str} is exposed by the service {service}" msg_type = "SUCCESS" else: port_is_exposed = False msg = f"Port : {port_str} is NOT exposed by the service {service}" msg_type = "ERROR" context.log(msg_type, msg) task_title = context.task_title context.job_context[task_title] = {"msg" : msg, "msg_type" : msg_type} context.skip_sub_tasks = port_is_exposed
      1. 4.1.1

        Expose the container port

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        # Here we need to edit the docker-compose file and expose the container port
    2. 4.2

      Ensure that the instance port is exposed

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      Check if the instance port is exposed in security groups. If not, modify the security group to expose the port.

      cmd = f"aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids {instance_id} --query 'Reservations[0].Instances[0].SecurityGroups[*].GroupId' --output text" op = _exe(None, cmd) security_group_list = op.strip() security_group_list = security_group_list.split() print(security_group_list)
      1. 4.2.1

        Check if the instance port is open

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        import json import copy #port = int(port) sgl = copy.deepcopy(security_group_list) security_group_id = sgl[0] is_allowed = False for sg_id in security_group_list: cmd = f'aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filter Name=group-id,Values={sg_id} --query SecurityGroups[*].IpPermissions[*]' op = _exe(None, cmd) json_op = json.loads(op) for sg in json_op: for rule in sg: if 'FromPort' in rule: port_lo = int(rule['FromPort']) port_hi = port_lo if 'ToPort' in rule: port_hi = int(rule['ToPort']) if port >= port_lo and port <= port_hi: is_allowed = True if not is_allowed: msg = f"The inbound port {port} is BLOCKED by security groups {security_group_list}" msg_type = "ERROR" else: msg = f"The inbound port {port} is ALLOWED by security groups {security_group_list}" msg_type = "SUCCESS" context.log(msg_type, msg) print(msg) task_title = context.task_title context.job_context[task_title] = {"msg" : msg, "msg_type" : msg_type} context.skip_sub_tasks = is_allowed

          Expose an inbound port on an ec2 instance

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          #port = int(port) cmd = f"aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id {security_group_id} --protocol tcp --port {port} --cidr" op = _exe(None, cmd) msg = f"allowing port {port} in security group {security_group_id}" print(msg) msg_type = "SUCCESS" context.log(msg_type, msg) task_title = context.task_title context.job_context[task_title] = {"msg" : msg, "msg_type" : msg_type}