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Deactivate Old AWS IAM Access Keys

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This task involves deactivating IAM (Identity and Access Management) access keys in AWS that have surpassed a specified age or are no longer in use, as a measure to enhance security. Regularly auditing and deactivating stale or outdated access keys restrict unauthorized or inadvertent access to AWS resources and services. This task deactivates access keys that are identified as old, thereby ensuring they cannot be used to authenticate API requests. This practice is pivotal in a robust IAM policy to assure that only active and necessary access keys are in circulation, thereby safeguarding the AWS environment against potential malicious activities or inadvertent misconfigurations by reducing the attack surface and adhering to the principle of least privilege.

import boto3 creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] # Initialize the IAM client iam_client = boto3.client('iam',aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) ''' # Example input data old_keys_data = [ {'username': 'xyz_other_account', 'access_key_id': 'AJHBVFNONLHGBFHAS2CM'}, # ... received from parent task ] ''' try: # Check if old_keys_data is not empty if old_keys_data: # Loop through each key data in the input for key_data in old_keys_data: username = key_data['username'] access_key_id = key_data['access_key_id'] # Deactivate the access key #iam_client.update_access_key(UserName=username, AccessKeyId=access_key_id, Status='Inactive') print(f"Deactivated access key {access_key_id} for user {username}") else: print("No old keys provided for deactivation.") except boto3.exceptions.botocore.exceptions.PartialCredentialsError as pce: print(f"Credentials error: {str(pce)}") except boto3.exceptions.botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError as bce: print(f"BotoCore Error: {str(bce)}") except boto3.exceptions.botocore.exceptions.ClientError as ce: print(f"Client Error: {str(ce)}") except Exception as e: print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {str(e)}") context.proceed=False