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AWS Expenditure Breakdown by Account ID

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This task offers a concise view of AWS expenses by individual account IDs, aggregating unblended costs for each account. It highlights the spending patterns of various accounts, pinpointing those with the highest costs. Such insights are invaluable for organizations with multiple AWS accounts, aiding in efficient budget allocation and cost management by identifying potential overspends or resource underutilization.

import pandas as pd if df is not None: print("Analyzing and visualizing cost by AWS Account ID...") # Filter out negative values filter_condition = (df['lineItem/UnblendedCost'] >= 0) filtered_df = df[filter_condition] # Group by 'lineItem/UsageAccountId', sum 'lineItem/UnblendedCost', and sort values account_costs = filtered_df.groupby('lineItem/UsageAccountId')['lineItem/UnblendedCost'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False) # Extract x and y values x = account_costs.index.astype(str).tolist() # Convert account IDs to strings and then get the list y = account_costs.values.tolist() # This gets the corresponding costs if len(x) == 1: print("Only one account found. Skipping chart.") else: # Set the properties for your plot context.plot.xlabel = 'AWS Account ID' context.plot.ylabel = 'Cost ($)' context.plot.title = 'Cost by AWS Account ID' # Add the trace to your plot context.plot.add_trace(name="Cost by AWS Account ID", xpts=x, ypts=y, tracetype="pie") print("Analysis complete.")