VWvWNqDoXKuawMmuj7NbJira tasks
Jira tasks
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.
- 1AtJRgZytygiaeeUjg1VcCreate a JIRA ticket
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsfrom jira import JIRA creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] username = creds['username'] api_key = creds['password'] myjira = None issue_id = "" if username and api_key and jira_server: myjira = JIRA( server=jira_server, basic_auth=(username, api_key) ) else: _problem = True msg = "Missing username or API key" print(msg) if myjira: issue_dict = { "project" : project, "summary" : summary, "description" : description, "issuetype" : {"name" : "Task"} } new_issue = myjira.create_issue(fields=issue_dict) issue_id = new_issue.key print(issue_id)copied1 - 2eWZ20hHdobmkRNNBDfQzProcess Jira Ticket
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsimport json print("Ticket: ", json.dumps(ticket, indent=4)) fields = ticket.get("fields", {}) issue_id = ticket['key']copied2 - 3UvDEOZijwoh4WxxxaO0rMark ticket as DONE
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsimport json from jira import JIRA creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] username = creds['username'] api_key = creds['password'] myjira = None if username and api_key and jira_server: myjira = JIRA( server=jira_server, basic_auth=(username, api_key) ) else: _problem = True msg = "Missing username or API key" print(msg) if myjira: try: next_states = myjira.transitions(issue_id) xns = [xn['name'] for xn in next_states] if 'Mark as done' in xns: op = myjira.transition_issue(issue_id, 'Mark as done') elif 'Resolved' in xns: op = myjira.transition_issue(issue_id, 'Resolved') else: msg = f"ERROR! Unable to transation to DONE for ticket: {issue_id}\n" msg += "Possible transitions: " + json.dumps(xns) print(msg) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) print(msg)copied3 - 4SJkQlK70cyVV5Cp8biEhAssign a ticket to a user
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsfrom jira import JIRA creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] username = creds['username'] api_key = creds['password'] myjira = None if username and api_key and jira_server: myjira = JIRA( server=jira_server, basic_auth=(username, api_key) ) else: _problem = True msg = "Missing username or API key" print(msg) if myjira: myjira.assign_issue(issue_id, assignee)copied4 - 5i4FbkxsC19Ex5W69qdQmPlot resolved tickets per user
Plot resolved tickets per user
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsimport json from jira import JIRA creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] username = creds['username'] api_key = creds['password'] myjira = None if username and api_key and jira_server: myjira = JIRA( server=jira_server, basic_auth=(username, api_key) ) else: _problem = True msg = "Missing username or API key" print(msg) resolved_issues = {} if myjira: for user in users: issues = myjira.search_issues(f'project={project} AND assignee="{user}" AND status=done') resolved_issues[user] = len(issues) print(resolved_issues) context.plot.xlabel = "users" context.plot.ylabel = "# resolved issues" context.plot.title = "Resoved issues per user" context.plot.add_trace(name="Resoved issues per user", xpts=labels, ypts=values, tracetype="bar")copied5 - 6J6zJasuVZX7Vh87jYq8pList tickets resolved by a user
List tickets resolved by a user
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsimport json from jira import JIRA creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] username = creds['username'] api_key = creds['password'] myjira = None if username and api_key and jira_server: myjira = JIRA( server=jira_server, basic_auth=(username, api_key) ) else: _problem = True msg = "Missing username or API key" print(msg) resolved_issues = [] if myjira: issues = myjira.search_issues(f'project={project} AND assignee="{user}" AND status=done') for issue in issues: resolved_issues.append({'id': issue.key, 'summary': issue.fields.summary}) print(resolved_issues)copied6 - 7AISEdHWQ8HPwv7AjCu5bREOPEN a ticket
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsimport json from jira import JIRA creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] username = creds['username'] api_key = creds['password'] myjira = None if username and api_key and jira_server: myjira = JIRA( server=jira_server, basic_auth=(username, api_key) ) else: _problem = True msg = "Missing username or API key" print(msg) if myjira: try: next_states = myjira.transitions(issue_id) xns = [xn['name'] for xn in next_states] if 'Reopen issue' in xns: op = myjira.transition_issue(issue_id, 'Reopen issue') else: msg = f"ERROR! Unable to transation to DONE for ticket: {issue_id}\n" msg += "Possible transitions: " + json.dumps(xns) print(msg) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) print(msg)copied7 - 8JaqDo9GOci3zC9MXrLKiAdd a comment to a ticket
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsfrom jira import JIRA creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] username = creds['username'] api_key = creds['password'] myjira = None if username and api_key and jira_server: myjira = JIRA( server=jira_server, basic_auth=(username, api_key) ) else: _problem = True msg = "Missing username or API key" print(msg) if myjira: myjira.add_comment(issue_id, comment)copied8 - 9AtJRgZytygiaeeUjg1VcCreate a JIRA ticket
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsfrom jira import JIRA creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] username = creds['username'] api_key = creds['password'] myjira = None issue_id = "" if username and api_key and jira_server: myjira = JIRA( server=jira_server, basic_auth=(username, api_key) ) else: _problem = True msg = "Missing username or API key" print(msg) if myjira: issue_dict = { "project" : project, "summary" : summary, "description" : description, "issuetype" : {"name" : "Task"} } new_issue = myjira.create_issue(fields=issue_dict) issue_id = new_issue.key print(issue_id)copied9