AWS Restricted Common Ports Audit

The AWS Restricted Common Ports Audit rule evaluates security groups to ensure they do not allow unrestricted incoming TCP traffic to specific critical ports for IPv4. It aims to prevent unauthorized access by marking configurations as COMPLIANT when traffic to these ports is appropriately restricted, thereby enhancing the security posture of AWS environments.

region_name=None #Hardcoded for single execution result, Use None when you want to run the script for all regions.
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    This task identifies security groups allowing unrestricted TCP traffic to specified ports on IPv4, highlighting potential security risks. It ensures traffic to sensitive ports is limited to authorized sources, bolstering network security. The aim is to prevent unauthorized access and exposure of critical services.

    import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import BotoCoreError, ClientError creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] # Parameters for compliance check BLOCKED_PORTS = [20, 21, 3389, 3306, 4333] # Example ports that should be restricted def fetch_security_groups(ec2_client): """ Fetch all security groups from AWS EC2, with pagination support. """ print("Fetching security groups with pagination support...") security_groups = [] paginator = ec2_client.get_paginator('describe_security_groups') page_iterator = paginator.paginate() for page in page_iterator: security_groups.extend(page['SecurityGroups']) print(f"Fetched {len(page['SecurityGroups'])} security groups in this page.") return security_groups def check_compliance(security_groups, blocked_ports=[20, 21, 3389, 3306, 4333]): """ Check compliance of security groups against the AWS Config 'restricted-common-ports' rule. This includes handling for all traffic permissions and specific blocked TCP ports. """ compliant_groups, non_compliant_groups = [], [] for group in security_groups: # Flag to keep track of compliance status is_compliant = True for permission in group['IpPermissions']: # Check for all traffic permissions (-1 protocol) if permission['IpProtocol'] == '-1': for ip_range in permission.get('IpRanges', []): if ip_range.get('CidrIp') == '': is_compliant = False break for ipv6_range in permission.get('Ipv6Ranges', []): if ipv6_range.get('CidrIpv6') == '::/0': is_compliant = False break # Check for specific blocked TCP ports elif permission['IpProtocol'] == 'tcp': from_port = permission.get('FromPort') to_port = permission.get('ToPort') if from_port is not None and to_port is not None: for blocked_port in blocked_ports: if from_port <= blocked_port <= to_port: # Check both IPv4 and IPv6 ranges for ip_range in permission.get('IpRanges', []): if ip_range.get('CidrIp') == '': is_compliant = False break for ipv6_range in permission.get('Ipv6Ranges', []): if ipv6_range.get('CidrIpv6') == '::/0': is_compliant = False break if not is_compliant: # Mark as non-compliant and break the loop non_compliant_groups.append(group['GroupId']) break if is_compliant: compliant_groups.append(group['GroupId']) # Ensure each security group is only counted once for non-compliance non_compliant_groups = list(set(non_compliant_groups)) return compliant_groups, non_compliant_groups def get_all_regions(ec2_client): """ Fetch all AWS regions that support EC2 service. :param ec2_client: Initialized boto3 EC2 client :return: List of region names """ regions = [] try: regions_response = ec2_client.describe_regions() regions = [region['RegionName'] for region in regions_response['Regions']] except ClientError as e: print(f"An error occurred fetching regions: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"Unexpected error: {e}") return regions def main1(region_name=None): """ Main function to perform compliance check on AWS security groups. :param region_name: AWS region name to check security groups. If None, checks all regions. """ print("Starting compliance check for restricted common ports...") regions_to_check = [region_name] if region_name else get_all_regions(boto3.client('ec2',aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name='us-east-1')) for region in regions_to_check: print(f"Checking region: {region}") ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2', aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key,region_name=region) security_groups = fetch_security_groups(ec2_client) if not security_groups: print("No security groups found or unable to fetch security groups.") continue compliant_groups, non_compliant_groups = check_compliance(security_groups) print(f"Compliance check complete for {region}.") print(f"Compliant groups: {len(compliant_groups)}") print(f"Non-compliant groups: {len(non_compliant_groups)}") if non_compliant_groups: print("Non-compliant security group IDs:", ", ".join(non_compliant_groups)) print("-" * 60) main1(region_name)