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ZMgKgIy6RK48QDiPWs30Create a maintenance configuration schedule for Azure VM Patch Upgrades
Create a maintenance configuration schedule for Azure VM Patch Upgrades
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This task involves defining specific times and settings for automated system updates. This approach ensures VMs receive necessary patches with minimal disruption, enhancing security and performance while adhering to operational requirements.
az maintenance configuration create \
--resource-group <Resource_Group_Name> \
--resource-name <maintenance_config_name> \
--maintenance-scope InGuestPatch \
--location <location> \
--maintenance-window-duration "02:00" \
--maintenance-window-recur-every "20days" \
--maintenance-window-start-date-time "2022-12-30 07:00" \
--maintenance-window-time-zone "Pacific Standard Time" \
--install-patches-linux-parameters package-name-masks-to-exclude="ppt" package-name-masks-to-include="apt" classifications-to-include="Other" \
--install-patches-windows-parameters kb-numbers-to-exclude="KB123456" kb-numbers-to-include="KB123456" classifications-to-include="FeaturePack" \
--reboot-setting "IfRequired" \
--extension-properties InGuestPatchMode="User"