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Filter AWS Redshift Clusters by their state

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In AWS Redshift, clusters can exist in various states such as 'available', 'creating', 'deleting', and 'paused'. By filtering Redshift clusters based on their state, users can quickly identify which clusters are operational, which are undergoing changes, or which are temporarily inactive. This task provides this ability to categorize and monitor clusters which facilitates efficient resource management, aids in troubleshooting, and ensures optimal performance. Especially in larger setups, where multiple clusters might be active, such filtering becomes imperative to streamline operations and maintain a bird's eye view of the system's health and status.

import boto3 creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] # Check if 'all_clusters' and 'region' have been provided from the previous task. # If not, initialize 'all_clusters' to an empty list and 'region' to None. all_clusters = all_clusters if 'all_clusters' in locals() else [] region = region if 'region' in locals() else 'us-east-1' # default region # Initialize boto3 client for Amazon Redshift redshift = boto3.client('redshift', aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key,region_name=region) def filter_clusters_by_state(cluster_identifiers): clusters = { 'Paused': [], 'Available': [] } for cluster_id in cluster_identifiers: try: response = redshift.describe_clusters(ClusterIdentifier=cluster_id) cluster = response['Clusters'][0] if cluster['ClusterStatus'] == 'paused': clusters['Paused'].append(cluster['ClusterIdentifier']) elif cluster['ClusterStatus'] == 'available': clusters['Available'].append(cluster['ClusterIdentifier']) except redshift.exceptions.ClusterNotFoundFault: print(f"Specified cluster {cluster_id} not found.") except redshift.exceptions.InvalidClusterStateFault: print(f"The specified cluster {cluster_id} is not in a valid state.") except Exception as e: # Catch all other exceptions print(f"Unexpected error occurred for cluster {cluster_id}: {e}") return clusters if all_clusters: # Fetch and print the cluster states cluster_states = filter_clusters_by_state(all_clusters) print("Redshift clusters in 'Paused' state:") for cluster_id in cluster_states['Paused']: print(cluster_id) print("\nRedshift clusters in 'Available' state:") for cluster_id in cluster_states['Available']: print(cluster_id) else: print("No Redshift clusters found") context.proceed = False