Optimizing AWS CloudFront Distributions with Compression

This runbook involves enabling automatic file compression in AWS CloudFront to enhance content delivery speeds. This process reduces file sizes, leading to faster transfers, reduced data costs, and an improved user experience. It's particularly beneficial for content types that aren't already compressed.

  1. 1

    This task retrieves all content delivery networks (CDNs) set up in an AWS account via CloudFront. Each distribution represents a CDN configuration, providing insights into its ID, domain name, and other settings. This overview aids in efficiently managing and monitoring content delivery.

    import boto3 creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] # Initialize the CloudFront client client = boto3.client('cloudfront',aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) try: # Use a paginator for the list_distributions call paginator = client.get_paginator('list_distributions') all_distributions = [] # Iterate over each page of results for page in paginator.paginate(): # Check if 'Items' key exists in the current page distributions_on_page = page.get('DistributionList', {}).get('Items', []) # Extend the all_distributions list with IDs from the current page all_distributions.extend([dist['Id'] for dist in distributions_on_page]) # Check if there are any distributions and print appropriate messages if all_distributions: print(f"Found {len(all_distributions)} CloudFront distributions. Here are their IDs:") for dist_id in all_distributions: print(dist_id) else: print("No CloudFront distributions found.") except client.exceptions.NoSuchDistribution as e: print("Error: No such distribution found.") print(f"Details: {str(e)}") except client.exceptions.AccessDenied as e: print("Error: Access denied. Make sure you have the appropriate permissions.") print(f"Details: {str(e)}") except Exception as e: print("An unexpected error occurred while fetching the CloudFront distributions.") print(f"Details: {str(e)}")
  2. 2

    This task scans and isolates AWS CloudFront distributions that don't have compression/caching enabled. Addressing these configurations enhances content delivery performance and potentially reduces associated costs.

    import boto3 creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] ''' # List of all distributions received from the previous task all_distributions = ['E2W06YV1I68DDO', 'E16ONX1GUDSAFS'] ''' # Initialize the CloudFront client client = boto3.client('cloudfront',aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) # List to store distributions that need compression enabled distributions_needing_compression = [] # Check if there are any distributions passed to the task if not all_distributions: print("No CloudFront distributions provided to the task.") else: try: # Loop through each distribution ID for dist_id in all_distributions: # Fetch the distribution's configuration dist_config_response = client.get_distribution_config(Id=dist_id) cache_behaviors = dist_config_response['DistributionConfig']['DefaultCacheBehavior'] # Check if compression is not enabled for the distribution if 'Compress' not in cache_behaviors or not cache_behaviors['Compress']: distributions_needing_compression.append(dist_id) # Print the results if distributions_needing_compression: print(f"{len(distributions_needing_compression)} distributions need compression enabled:") for dist_id in distributions_needing_compression: print(dist_id) else: print("All provided distributions already have compression enabled.") # Handle specific exceptions for service errors except client.exceptions.NoSuchDistribution as e: print("Error: One or more distributions not found.") print(f"Details: {str(e)}") except client.exceptions.AccessDenied as e: print("Error: Access denied. Ensure you have the appropriate permissions.") print(f"Details: {str(e)}") # General exception handling for unforeseen errors except Exception as e: print("An unexpected error occurred while processing the CloudFront distributions.") print(f"Details: {str(e)}") context.proceed = False
  3. 3

    This task attaches a compression policy on specific AWS CloudFront distributions to reduce the size of files being delivered. This optimizes the transfer speed, enhancing user experience and potentially decreasing data transfer costs.

    import boto3 creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] ''' # List of distributions needing compression received from the previous task distributions_needing_compression = ['E2W06YV1I68DDO', 'E16ONX1GUDSAFS'] ''' # Initialize the CloudFront client client = boto3.client('cloudfront',aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) # Check if there are any distributions passed to the task if not distributions_needing_compression: print("No CloudFront distributions provided to the task for enabling compression.") else: try: # Counter to keep track of the number of distributions updated updated_count = 0 # Loop through each distribution ID for dist_id in distributions_needing_compression: # Fetch the distribution's configuration dist_config_response = client.get_distribution_config(Id=dist_id) dist_config = dist_config_response['DistributionConfig'] # Update the distribution to enable compression dist_config['DefaultCacheBehavior']['Compress'] = True client.update_distribution( Id=dist_id, IfMatch=dist_config_response['ETag'], DistributionConfig=dist_config ) print(f"Enabled compression for distribution {dist_id}") updated_count += 1 # Print a summary of the results print(f"\nSummary:\nUpdated {updated_count} out of {len(distributions_needing_compression)} distributions.") except client.exceptions.NoSuchDistribution as e: print("Error: One or more distributions not found.") print(f"Details: {str(e)}") except client.exceptions.AccessDenied as e: print("Error: Access denied. Ensure you have the appropriate permissions.") print(f"Details: {str(e)}") except client.exceptions.InvalidIfMatchVersion as e: print("Error: The If-Match version is invalid or mismatched.") print(f"Details: {str(e)}") except Exception as e: print("An unexpected error occurred while updating the CloudFront distributions.") print(f"Details: {str(e)}")