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Get idle CPU percentage

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The top output above contains what percentage is idle CPU. Split the output and get the part that contains 'id'. Then extract the number.

lines = topoutput.split('\n') line = [x for x in lines if 'Cpu' in x][0] parts = line.split(',') parts[0] = ' '.join(parts[0].split()[1:]) idle_part = [x for x in parts if 'id' in x] idle_cpu = float(idle_part[0].split()[0]) print("Idle CPU: ", idle_cpu) labels = [x.split()[1] for x in parts] values = [x.split()[0] for x in parts] context.plot.xlabel = "" context.plot.ylabel = "" context.plot.title = "CPU usage" context.plot.add_trace(name="CPU usage", xpts=labels, ypts=values, tracetype="pie")