agent: |
cXsgb9i7UeAIZhiAb0v2Patch Installation on Azure VMs
Patch Installation on Azure VMs
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This task applies critical and security updates to operating systems and software. This process, vital for maintaining system integrity and security, reduces vulnerability to attacks and ensures the VMs run optimally.
import json
def install_critical_and_security_patches(vm_details):
for vm in vm_details:
vm_name = vm['vm_name']
resource_group = vm['resource_group']
# Specify the classifications to include
classifications = "Other" #"Security"
command = f"az vm install-patches -g {resource_group} -n {vm_name} --maximum-duration PT4H --reboot-setting IfRequired --classifications-to-include {classifications}"
result = _exe(None, command)
print(f"Patches installation initiated for VM: {vm_name} in resource group: {resource_group}.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to initiate patch installation for VM: {vm_name} in resource group: {resource_group}. Error: {str(e)}")
# processed_vms to be received from upstream task