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Rollout Upgrade for latest version of OpenVPN Connect to the client machine and uninstall older OpenVPN Connect/GUI versions (Powershell)

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# PowerShell script to rollout upgrade for the latest version of OpenVPN Connect on a Windows client # Define the URL for the latest OpenVPN Connect Client for Windows (x64) $openVPNUrl = "" $installerPath = "$env:TEMP\openvpn-connect-latest.msi" $openVPNInstallPath = "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN" $openVPNGUIPath = "$openVPNInstallPath\bin\openvpn-gui.exe" $uninstallerPath = "$openVPNInstallPath\Uninstall.exe" # Function to uninstall a program by name function Uninstall-Program($programName) { $programs = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $programName } if ($programs) { foreach ($program in $programs) { $context.ctxprint("Uninstalling $($program.Name)...") $program.Uninstall() | Out-Null $context.ctxprint("$($program.Name) has been uninstalled.") } } else { $context.ctxprint("$programName is not installed.") } } # Terminate the OpenVPN GUI if it is running $context.ctxprint("Checking if OpenVPN GUI is running...") $openVPNProcess = Get-Process -Name "openvpn-gui" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($openVPNProcess) { $context.ctxprint("OpenVPN GUI is running. Attempting to terminate the process...") Stop-Process -Name "openvpn-gui" -Force Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # Wait for 5 seconds to ensure the process has been terminated $context.ctxprint("OpenVPN GUI process has been terminated.") } else { $context.ctxprint("OpenVPN GUI is not running.") } # Download the latest installer $context.ctxprint("Downloading the latest OpenVPN Connect client installer...") try { File-Download -source $openVPNUrl -destination $installerPath $context.ctxprint("Installer downloaded successfully.") } catch { $context.ctxprint("Failed to download the installer. Exiting.") exit 1 } # Uninstall OpenVPN Connect if it is installed Uninstall-Program("OpenVPN Connect*") # Check if OpenVPN GUI is installed by looking for openvpn-gui.exe if (Test-Path $openVPNGUIPath) { $context.ctxprint("OpenVPN GUI detected. Attempting to uninstall...") # Uninstall OpenVPN GUI using the Uninstall.exe if it exists if (Test-Path $uninstallerPath) { Start-Process -FilePath $uninstallerPath -ArgumentList "/S" -Wait $context.ctxprint("OpenVPN GUI has been uninstalled.") } else { $context.ctxprint("Uninstaller not found for OpenVPN GUI, please uninstall it manually.") } } else { $context.ctxprint("OpenVPN GUI is not installed.") } # Install the new version of OpenVPN Connect $context.ctxprint("Installing the latest version of OpenVPN Connect...") Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/i `"$installerPath`" /quiet /norestart" -Wait # Cleanup downloaded installer file Remove-Item -Path $installerPath -Force # Verify installation $openVPNInstalled = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "OpenVPN Connect*" } if ($openVPNInstalled) { $context.ctxprint("OpenVPN Connect has been successfully updated to the latest version.") } else { $context.ctxprint("OpenVPN Connect installation failed.") }