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Collect list of patches to be deployed.

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This task involves fetching a comprehensive list of patches awaiting deployment on Azure Virtual Machines. This ensures the VMs are up-to-date with the latest security and performance improvements.

import json def assess_patches_for_vms(processed_vms): patches_list = [] for vm in processed_vms: vm_name = vm['vm_name'] resource_group = vm['resource_group'] # Constructing the Azure CLI command command = f"az vm assess-patches -g {resource_group} -n {vm_name}" try: # Execute the command result = _exe(None, command) patches_info = json.loads(result) #print(f"Raw Patches for {vm_name}: {patches_info}") # Store the patches info with VM name patches_list.append({ 'vm_name': vm_name, 'patches_info': patches_info }) print(f"Patches assessed for VM: {vm_name}") print("=" * 50) except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error decoding JSON response for VM: {vm_name} as the VM maybe stopped or deallocated") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred while assessing patches for VM: {vm_name}: {str(e)}") return patches_list # Example VM details obtained from previous steps #processed_vms = [{'vm_name': 'test-update-manager', 'resource_group': 'DEFAULTRESOURCEGROUP-EUS', 'location': 'eastus', 'vm_size': 'Standard_B1s', 'os_type': 'Linux', 'os_disk_name': 'test-update-manager_disk1_9ca2728077904a74a8a09a9d40efc938', 'os_disk_id': '/subscriptions/955ecf93-74f8-4728-bd2a-31094aa55629/resourceGroups/DEFAULTRESOURCEGROUP-EUS/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/test-update-manager_disk1_9ca2728077904a74a8a09a9d40efc938'}, {'vm_name': 'test-update-manager-customer-managed', 'resource_group': 'RG-VMINSTANCES-EASTUS', 'location': 'eastus', 'vm_size': 'Standard_D2s_v3', 'os_type': 'Linux', 'os_disk_name': 'test-update-manager-customer-managed_disk1_8db9f76765ff459c8084f5949c4fd8aa', 'os_disk_id': '/subscriptions/955ecf93-74f8-4728-bd2a-31094aa55629/resourceGroups/rg-vminstances-eastus/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/test-update-manager-customer-managed_disk1_8db9f76765ff459c8084f5949c4fd8aa'}] patches_list = assess_patches_for_vms(processed_vms) # Iterate through each VM's patch list for item in patches_list: print(f"VM Name: {item['vm_name']}") data = item['patches_info'] # This is where the patch information is stored. # Display the overall assessment status and patch counts. print(f"Assessment Status: {data['status']}") print(f"Critical and Security Patch Count: {data['criticalAndSecurityPatchCount']}") print(f"Other Patch Count: {data['otherPatchCount']}") print(f"Reboot Pending: {'Yes' if data['rebootPending'] else 'No'}") print("-" * 50) # Display detailed information for each available patch. for patch in data["availablePatches"]: print(f"Name: {patch['name']}") print(f"KBID: {patch['kbId']}") # Added KBID as it seems important. print(f"Classification: {', '.join(patch['classifications'])}") print(f"Reboot Behavior: {patch['rebootBehavior']}") print(f"Last Modified: {patch['lastModifiedDateTime']}") print(f"Published Date: {patch.get('publishedDate', 'N/A')}") # Using .get in case the key doesn't exist. print("-" * 50) ''' # Example: Printing the patches list for item in patches_list: print(json.dumps(item, indent=4)) ''' #context.proceed=False