agent: |
lSpx9yMEqulssQGpPNRXImport OpenVPN Client Configuartion File to OpenVPN Connect Application via cli and Verify connection status through logs
Import OpenVPN Client Configuartion File to OpenVPN Connect Application via cli and Verify connection status through logs
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# Path to the OpenVPN Connect executable
$openVPNCLIPath = "C:/Program Files/OpenVPN Connect/ovpnconnector.exe"
$context.ctxprint("printing openvpn cli path")
# Path to the client configuration file
$configFilePath = "C:/client1.ovpn"
# Destination directory for the OpenVPN profile
$openVPNDir = "C:/Program Files/OpenVPN Connect"
$renamedConfigPath = "$openVPNDir/ovpnconnector.ovpn"
# Ensure the OpenVPN directory exists
if (!(Test-Path $openVPNDir)) {
$context.ctxprint("OpenVPN installation directory not found: $openVPNDir.")
# Validate the OpenVPN Connect CLI existence
if (Test-Path $openVPNCLIPath) {
$context.ctxprint("OpenVPN Connect CLI found at $openVPNCLIPath.")
} else {
$context.ctxprint("OpenVPN Connect CLI not found. Please ensure OpenVPN Connect is installed.")
# Validate configuration file existence
if (Test-Path $configFilePath) {
$context.ctxprint("Configuration file found at $configFilePath.")
} else {
$context.ctxprint("Configuration file not found at $configFilePath. Please check the path.")
# Copy and rename the configuration file if it does not already exist in the required directory
if (!(Test-Path $renamedConfigPath)) {
$context.ctxprint("Copying and renaming the configuration file to $openVPNDir...")
Copy-Item -Path $configFilePath -Destination $openVPNDir -Force
Rename-Item -Path "$openVPNDir/client1.ovpn" -NewName "ovpnconnector.ovpn" -Force
$context.ctxprint("Configuration file copied and renamed to $renamedConfigPath.")
} else {
$context.ctxprint("Configuration file already exists at $renamedConfigPath. Skipping copy and rename.")
# # Archive old logs before starting a new session
# if (Test-Path $logFilePath) {
# $timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"
# $archivedLogPath = "$logFilePath.$timestamp.bak"
# Rename-Item -Path $logFilePath -NewName $archivedLogPath
# $context.ctxprint("Previous log archived as $archivedLogPath.")
# } else {
# $context.ctxprint("No previous log found to archive.")
# }
# Ensure the OpenVPN client is not running
$context.ctxprint("Ensuring OpenVPN Connect client is not running...")
Get-Process -Name "OpenVPNConnect" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
$context.ctxprint("OpenVPN Connect client processes stopped.")
# Install the OpenVPN Connect system service
$context.ctxprint("Installing the OpenVPN Connect system service...")
Start-Process -FilePath $openVPNCLIPath -ArgumentList "install" -NoNewWindow -Wait
$context.ctxprint("OpenVPN Connect system service installed successfully.")
# Start the OpenVPN Connect service
$context.ctxprint("Starting the OpenVPN Connect service...")
Start-Process -FilePath $openVPNCLIPath -ArgumentList "start" -NoNewWindow -Wait
$context.ctxprint("OpenVPN Connect service started.")
# # Wait for logs to be generated
# $context.ctxprint("Waiting for logs to be generated...")
# Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # Adjust the wait time if necessary
# # Check and display logs for the current session
# if (Test-Path $logFilePath) {
# $logContent = Get-Content -Path $logFilePath -Force -Encoding UTF8
# $context.ctxprint("OpenVPN Logs for the current session:")
# $context.ctxprint($logContent)
# if ($logContent -like "*Connected*") {
# $context.ctxprint("OpenVPN connection established successfully.")
# } elseif ($logContent -like "*Error*" -or $logContent -eq "") {
# $context.ctxprint("Failed to establish OpenVPN connection. Logs indicate an issue.")
# }
# } else {
# $context.ctxprint("No logs were generated. OpenVPN CLI may have failed silently.")
# }