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Fetch Rightsizing Recommendations for AWS EBS Volumes

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This task involves analyzing EBS volume usage to offer configuration changes for cost efficiency and performance improvement, based on historical data analysis.

import boto3 import json from datetime import datetime, timezone creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] # Define the pricing_client at the beginning of your script to ensure it's available globally pricing_client = boto3.client('pricing', aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name='us-east-1') def get_ebs_volume_recommendations(region_name=None): """ Fetch EBS volume recommendations from AWS Compute Optimizer for a specific region or all regions. """ if region_name: regions = [region_name] else: # Initialize a client for the EC2 service to fetch all regions ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2', aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name='us-east-1') regions_response = ec2_client.describe_regions() regions = [region['RegionName'] for region in regions_response['Regions']] recommendations = [] for region in regions: try: # Initialize Compute Optimizer client for each region compute_optimizer_client = boto3.client('compute-optimizer', aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name=region) next_token = None while True: params = {} if next_token: params['NextToken'] = next_token response = compute_optimizer_client.get_ebs_volume_recommendations(**params) recommendations.extend(response.get('volumeRecommendations', [])) next_token = response.get('NextToken', None) if not next_token: break except Exception as e: print(f"Error fetching EBS volume recommendations for region {region}: {e}") return recommendations def get_ebs_price(volume_type, size_gb, region): # Mapping AWS region to the Pricing API format region_name_map = { "us-east-1": "US East (N. Virginia)", "us-east-2": "US East (Ohio)", "us-west-1": "US West (N. California)", "us-west-2": "US West (Oregon)", "af-south-1": "Africa (Cape Town)", "ap-east-1": "Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)", "ap-south-1": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)", "ap-northeast-3": "Asia Pacific (Osaka)", "ap-northeast-2": "Asia Pacific (Seoul)", "ap-southeast-1": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", "ap-southeast-2": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", "ap-northeast-1": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)", "ca-central-1": "Canada (Central)", "eu-central-1": "EU (Frankfurt)", "eu-west-1": "EU (Ireland)", "eu-west-2": "EU (London)", "eu-south-1": "EU (Milan)", "eu-west-3": "EU (Paris)", "eu-north-1": "EU (Stockholm)", "me-south-1": "Middle East (Bahrain)", "sa-east-1": "South America (São Paulo)"} region_name = region_name_map.get(region, region) #print(f"searching for region {region_name}") # for debugging try: price_response = pricing_client.get_products( ServiceCode='AmazonEC2', Filters=[ {'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'volumeApiName', 'Value': volume_type}, # Adjusted to 'volumeApiName' {'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'location', 'Value': region_name}, {'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'productFamily', 'Value': 'Storage'} ], MaxResults=1 # Increased MaxResults to ensure broader search results ) #print(price_response) # for debugging # Ensure there's at least one price listed if price_response['PriceList']: # Assuming the first price item's details are representative price_data = json.loads(price_response['PriceList'][0]) terms = price_data.get('terms', {}).get('OnDemand', {}) if terms: price_dimensions = next(iter(terms.values()))['priceDimensions'] price_per_gb = next(iter(price_dimensions.values()))['pricePerUnit']['USD'] # Calculate total price based on the volume size total_price = float(price_per_gb) * size_gb return total_price else: print("No pricing terms found.") return None except Exception as e: print(f"Error fetching price for EBS volume: {e}") return None def process_recommendations(recommendations): for recommendation in recommendations: volume_arn = recommendation['volumeArn'] region = volume_arn.split(':')[3] # for pricing api query current_configuration = recommendation['currentConfiguration'] finding = recommendation['finding'] finding_reasons_codes = recommendation.get('findingReasonCodes', []) print(f"Volume ARN: {volume_arn}") print(f"Region: {region}") print(f"Current Configuration: {json.dumps(current_configuration, indent=2)}") print(f"Finding: {finding} {' | '.join(finding_reasons_codes) if finding_reasons_codes else ''}") if 'volumeRecommendationOptions' in recommendation: for option in recommendation['volumeRecommendationOptions']: configuration = option['configuration'] performance_risk = option.get('performanceRisk', 'N/A') rank = option['rank'] volume_type = configuration['volumeType'] size_gb = configuration['volumeSize'] current_price = get_ebs_price(current_configuration['volumeType'], current_configuration['volumeSize'], region) recommended_price = get_ebs_price(volume_type, size_gb, region) print(f"\tRecommended Configuration: {json.dumps(configuration, indent=4)}") print(f"\tPerformance Risk: {performance_risk}") print(f"\tRank: {rank}") print(f"\tCurrent Price: ${current_price} per month") print(f"\tRecommended Price: ${recommended_price} per month") # Calculate and print savings if current_price and recommended_price: savings = current_price - recommended_price print(f"\tEstimated Monthly Savings: ${savings:.2f}") print("-" * 60) else: print("\tNo recommendation options provided.") print("-" * 60) # Example usage #region_name_to_search_recommendations = 'us-east-1' # Set to None for all regions recommendations = get_ebs_volume_recommendations(region_name_to_search_recommendations) if recommendations: print("Processing Recommendations") process_recommendations(recommendations) else: print("No EBS volume recommendations available.")