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Plot CPU utilization

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import json cmd = 'aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name CPUUtilization' cmd += ' --region ' + 'us-west-2' cmd += ' --start-time ' + start_time cmd += ' --end-time ' + end_time cmd += ' --period ' + interval cmd += ' --namespace AWS/EC2 --statistics Maximum --dimensions Name=InstanceId,Value=' + instance_id op = _exe(None, cmd, cred_label="aws_read_only_user") # print(op) exception_msg = "" try: jsn = json.loads(op) except Exception as e: exception_msg = "Got this exception: \n" exception_msg += str(e) exception_msg += "\n" exception_msg += op if not exception_msg: datapoints = sorted(jsn['Datapoints'], key = lambda i: i['Timestamp']) x = [x['Timestamp'] for x in datapoints] y = [x['Maximum'] for x in datapoints] # trace['type'] = 'scatter' # trace['mode'] = 'lines' context.plot.xlabel = 'timestamp' context.plot.ylabel = 'CPU % util' context.plot.title = 'CPU util for instance: ' + str(instance_id) context.plot.add_trace(name="CPU util", xpts=x, ypts=y, tracetype="lines")