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Setting up SSO via LDAP for Dagknows

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To setup SSO via AD:

  1. Sign into your instance of Dagknows
  2. Click on the Integrations icon (in the left)
  3. Click on the toggle switch next to “LDAP Sign-in”. We need to know the following information from your active directory administrator:
  4. AD server URI
  5. AD service username
  6. AD service password
  7. AD search base OU
  8. AD username attribute (which attribute store the username)
  9. AD email attribute (which attribute store the email address)
  10. AD use TLS (whether the AD requires TLS)
  11. Click on the Save button
  12. Click on the “Adjust settings” icon (in the left)
  13. Click on the toggle switch next to “Create SSO users if not already existed”

After this is done, you should be able to sign into the Dagknows application using your regular username and password, and you should be able to sign into the Dagknows application using your AD credentials.