Build and deploy a service to the dev environment
Build and deploy a service to the dev env. Create a branch called "deployment-branch-x" where x is the latest number. Get the list of all commits between the previous deployment and the current deployment branch and track it in the Jira ticket.
- 1qOt1qPbuV4xYD4KRunf5Get the last deployment branch for a repo
Get the last deployment branch for a repo
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This code lists all the branches of the specified GitHub repository using the GitHub API.
inputsoutputsimport json import requests # Get environment variables GITHUB_TOKEN = getEnvVar('GITHUB_TOKEN') GITHUB_REPO_OWNER = getEnvVar('GITHUB_REPO_OWNER') # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\nrepo_name: {repo_name}") # GitHub API URL to list branches url = f"{GITHUB_REPO_OWNER}/{repo_name}/branches" # Headers for authentication headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {GITHUB_TOKEN}', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json' } # Make the request to GitHub API response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: branches = [branch['name'] for branch in response.json()] # print(f"Output:\n{json.dumps(branches, indent=4, default=str)}") else: branches = [] print(f"Failed to fetch branches. Status code: {response.status_code}") branch_ids = [] for branch in branches: if branch.startswith("deployment-branch-"): branch_id = int(branch.split("deployment-branch-")[1]) branch_ids.append(branch_id) latest_branch_id = max(branch_ids) latest_deployment_branch = f"deployment-branch-{latest_branch_id}" print(latest_deployment_branch)copied1 - 2Pfb7XNMc0gNAXY8TDIodCreate a new deployment branch for the repo
Create a new deployment branch for the repo
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This code creates a new branch in the specified GitHub repository using the GitHub API.
inputsoutputsimport json import requests source_branch = "main" latest_branch_id = int(latest_deployment_branch.split("deployment-branch-")[1]) new_branch_id = latest_branch_id + 1 new_branch_name = f"deployment-branch-{new_branch_id}" # Get environment variables GITHUB_TOKEN = getEnvVar('GITHUB_TOKEN') GITHUB_REPO_OWNER = getEnvVar('GITHUB_REPO_OWNER') # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\nrepo_name: {repo_name}\nnew_branch_name: {new_branch_name}\nsource_branch: {source_branch}") # GitHub API URL to get the latest commit of the source branch url = f"{GITHUB_REPO_OWNER}/{repo_name}/git/refs/heads/{source_branch}" # Headers for authentication headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {GITHUB_TOKEN}', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json' } # Make the request to GitHub API to get the latest commit SHA of the source branch response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: source_branch_info = response.json() latest_commit_sha = source_branch_info['object']['sha'] # GitHub API URL to create a new branch url = f"{GITHUB_REPO_OWNER}/{repo_name}/git/refs" # Payload to create a new branch payload = { 'ref': f'refs/heads/{new_branch_name}', 'sha': latest_commit_sha } # Make the request to GitHub API to create the new branch response =, headers=headers, json=payload) if response.status_code == 201: new_branch = response.json()['ref'] print(f"Output:\n{json.dumps(new_branch, indent=4, default=str)}") else: new_branch = None print(f"Failed to create new branch. Status code: {response.status_code}") else: new_branch = None print(f"Failed to get the latest commit of the source branch. Status code: {response.status_code}")copied2 - 3TlEJOBTTQXO0uehH9g6pCollect all the commits since the last deployment for this repo
Collect all the commits since the last deployment for this repo
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsimport requests import json branch_1 = latest_deployment_branch branch_2 = new_branch_name # Get environment variables GITHUB_TOKEN = getEnvVar('GITHUB_TOKEN') GITHUB_REPO_OWNER = getEnvVar('GITHUB_REPO_OWNER') # Define headers for GitHub API headers = { 'Authorization': f'token {GITHUB_TOKEN}', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json' } # Function to get the creation date of a branch def get_branch_creation_date(repo_owner, repo_name, branch_name): url = f'{repo_owner}/{repo_name}/branches/{branch_name}' response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() branch_info = response.json() commit_sha = branch_info['commit']['sha'] url = f'{repo_owner}/{repo_name}/commits/{commit_sha}' response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() commit_info = response.json() return commit_info['commit']['committer']['date'] # Get creation dates of the branches branch_1_creation_date = get_branch_creation_date(GITHUB_REPO_OWNER, repo_name, branch_1) branch_2_creation_date = get_branch_creation_date(GITHUB_REPO_OWNER, repo_name, branch_2) print(f'Branch 1 creation date: {branch_1_creation_date}') print(f'Branch 2 creation date: {branch_2_creation_date}') # Function to get commits between two dates def get_commits_between_dates(repo_owner, repo_name, branch_name, start_date, end_date): url = f'{repo_owner}/{repo_name}/commits' params = { 'sha': branch_name, 'since': start_date, 'until': end_date } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() # Get commits between the creation dates of the two branches commits = get_commits_between_dates(GITHUB_REPO_OWNER, repo_name, 'main', branch_1_creation_date, branch_2_creation_date) # Extract required information from commits commit_list = [] for commit in commits: commit_info = { 'commit_id': commit['sha'], 'commit_user': commit['commit']['committer']['name'], 'commit_comments': commit['commit']['message'], 'commit_date': commit['commit']['committer']['date'] } commit_list.append(commit_info) print(json.dumps(commit_list, indent=4, default=str)) # Output the commits commits = commit_listcopied3 - 4OhOIisnifmzwpYpEKOwmNow take the commit log above and dump it in a new Jira ticket.
Now take the commit log above and dump it in a new Jira ticket.
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This code creates a new Jira ticket in the specified project and dumps the commit log in the description using the Jira API.
inputsoutputsimport json import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth ticket_title = f"dev deployment of repo: {repo_name} and branch: {new_branch_name}" # Get environment variables JIRA_USER_NAME = getEnvVar('JIRA_USER_NAME') JIRA_API_KEY = getEnvVar('JIRA_API_KEY') JIRA_BASE_URL = getEnvVar('JIRA_BASE_URL') # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\nproject_key: {project_key}\nticket_title: {ticket_title}\ncommit_list: {json.dumps(commit_list, indent=4, default=str)}") # Jira API URL to create a new issue url = f"{JIRA_BASE_URL}/rest/api/3/issue" # Headers for authentication headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } # Format the commit log in Atlassian Document Format commit_log_adf = [{ "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": json.dumps(commit, indent=4) } ] } for commit in commit_list] # Payload to create a new issue payload = { "fields": { "project": { "key": project_key }, "summary": ticket_title, "description": { "type": "doc", "version": 1, "content": commit_log_adf }, "issuetype": { "name": "Task" } } } # Make the request to Jira API to create the new issue response =, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(JIRA_USER_NAME, JIRA_API_KEY), json=payload) if response.status_code == 201: issue_key = response.json()['key'] issue_url = f"{JIRA_BASE_URL}/browse/{issue_key}" print(f"Output:\n{json.dumps({'issue_url': issue_url}, indent=4, default=str)}") else: issue_url = None print(f"Failed to create Jira ticket. Status code: {response.status_code}") # Output the issue URL issue_urlcopied4 - 5sGjNwCTQMB8YjemJUJyCTrigger this job with the parameter value set to the new branch name
Trigger this job with the parameter value set to the new branch name
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This code triggers the specified Jenkins job with the given parameter value using the Jenkins API.
inputsoutputsimport json import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth branch_name = new_branch_name # Get environment variables JENKINS_USERNAME = getEnvVar('JENKINS_USERNAME') JENKINS_API_TOKEN = getEnvVar('JENKINS_API_TOKEN') JENKINS_URL = getEnvVar('JENKINS_URL') # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\njob_name: {job_name}\nbranch_name: {branch_name}") # Jenkins API URL to trigger the job with parameters url = f"{JENKINS_URL}/job/{job_name}/buildWithParameters" # Headers for authentication headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } # Parameters to trigger the job params = { 'Branch': branch_name } # Make the request to Jenkins API to trigger the job response =, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(JENKINS_USERNAME, JENKINS_API_TOKEN), params=params) if response.status_code == 201: print(f"Output:\nJob triggered successfully.") else: print(f"Failed to trigger job. Status code: {response.status_code}")copied5 - 6K6k2TOzfT1oNsxmL8G77Get average length of job execution in jenkins for the given repo
Get average length of job execution in jenkins for the given repo
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.inputsoutputsimport requests import json num_results = 10 # Fetch environment variables jenkins_username = getEnvVar('JENKINS_USERNAME') jenkins_api_token = getEnvVar('JENKINS_API_TOKEN') jenkins_url = getEnvVar('JENKINS_URL') # Print input parameters print(f"Job Name: {job_name}") print(f"Number of Results: {num_results}") # Jenkins API URL for job builds api_url = f"{jenkins_url}/job/{job_name}/api/json?tree=builds[number,duration,result]&depth=1&pretty=true" # Make the request to Jenkins API response = requests.get(api_url, auth=(jenkins_username, jenkins_api_token)) # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code != 200: raise Exception(f"Failed to fetch job details: {response.status_code} {response.text}") # Parse the JSON response job_data = response.json() # Extract the last 'num_results' builds builds = job_data.get('builds', [])[:num_results] # Calculate the average duration of successful builds total_duration = 0 successful_builds = 0 for build in builds: if build.get('result') == 'SUCCESS': total_duration += build.get('duration', 0) successful_builds += 1 if successful_builds == 0: average_execution_length = 0 else: average_execution_length = total_duration / successful_builds average_execution_length = int(average_execution_length/1000) # Print the output print(f"Average Execution Length: {average_execution_length}")copied6 - 7Acxy6uClCcucrnUQTXYXWait for some time.
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.Wait for some time before proceeding to the next step
inputsoutputsimport time # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\n average_execution_length: {average_execution_length} seconds") wait_time_seconds = average_execution_length * 2 print(f"Waiting for {wait_time_seconds} seconds...") time.sleep(wait_time_seconds) # Print output print("Output:\nWait completed.")copied7 - 8rzMNt2VC9QXEP53Db57FGet the last 50 lines of the console log for the Jenkins job above.
Get the last 50 lines of the console log for the Jenkins job above.
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This code fetches the last 50 lines of the console log for the last build of the specified Jenkins job using the Jenkins API.
inputsoutputsimport json import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth # Get environment variables JENKINS_USERNAME = getEnvVar('JENKINS_USERNAME') JENKINS_API_TOKEN = getEnvVar('JENKINS_API_TOKEN') JENKINS_URL = getEnvVar('JENKINS_URL') # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\njob_name: {job_name}") # Jenkins API URL to get the last build number url_last_build = f"{JENKINS_URL}/job/{job_name}/lastBuild/api/json" # Headers for authentication headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } # Make the request to Jenkins API to get the last build number response_last_build = requests.get(url_last_build, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(JENKINS_USERNAME, JENKINS_API_TOKEN)) if response_last_build.status_code == 200: last_build_info = response_last_build.json() last_build_number = last_build_info['number'] # Jenkins API URL to get the console log url_console_log = f"{JENKINS_URL}/job/{job_name}/{last_build_number}/logText/progressiveText?start=0" # Make the request to Jenkins API to get the console log response_console_log = requests.get(url_console_log, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(JENKINS_USERNAME, JENKINS_API_TOKEN)) if response_console_log.status_code == 200: console_log = response_console_log.text last_50_lines = '\n'.join(console_log.split('\n')[-50:]) print(f"Output:\n{last_50_lines}") else: print(f"Failed to fetch console log. Status code: {response_console_log.status_code}") else: print(f"Failed to fetch last build number. Status code: {response_last_build.status_code}")copied8 - 9e9fOBrqdNXPSQ6nKsqdoAdd these last 50 lines of console log as a comment in the Jira ticket we created earlier
Add these last 50 lines of console log as a comment in the Jira ticket we created earlier
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This code adds the last 50 lines of the console log as a comment in the specified Jira ticket using the Jira API.
inputsoutputsimport json import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth # Get environment variables JIRA_USER_NAME = getEnvVar('JIRA_USER_NAME') JIRA_API_KEY = getEnvVar('JIRA_API_KEY') JIRA_BASE_URL = getEnvVar('JIRA_BASE_URL') # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\nissue_url: {issue_url}\nlast_50_lines: {last_50_lines}") # Extract issue key from issue URL issue_key = issue_url.split('/')[-1] # Jira API URL to add a comment to the issue url = f"{JIRA_BASE_URL}/rest/api/3/issue/{issue_key}/comment" # Headers for authentication headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } # Format the console log in Atlassian Document Format console_log_adf = [{ "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": line } ] } for line in last_50_lines.split('\n')] # Payload to add a comment payload = { "body": { "type": "doc", "version": 1, "content": console_log_adf } } # Make the request to Jira API to add the comment response =, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(JIRA_USER_NAME, JIRA_API_KEY), json=payload) if response.status_code == 201: comment_id = response.json()['id'] print(f"Output:\nComment added successfully with ID: {comment_id}") else: print(f"Failed to add comment. Status code: {response.status_code}")copied9 - 10fttI36nx4cLE5rPrhNsSPoint kubectl to the cluster eks-dev-396
Point kubectl to the cluster eks-dev-396
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This code points kubectl to the specified EKS cluster by updating the kubeconfig using the AWS CLI.
inputsoutputsimport json # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\ncluster_name: {cluster_name}") # Command to update kubeconfig command = f'aws eks update-kubeconfig --name {cluster_name} --region us-east-2' # Execute the command locally host_ip_addr = None update_kubeconfig_output = _exe(host_ip_addr, command) # Print raw output print(f"Raw Output:\n{update_kubeconfig_output}") # Process the output if needed # For now, just print the output as is print(f"Output:\n{update_kubeconfig_output}")copied10 - 11F7wuOn652TSmrkYy4lDrGet the pod status in the namespace dev
Get the pod status in the namespace dev
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This code gets the pod status in the specified namespace using kubectl command.
inputsoutputsimport json # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\nnamespace: {namespace}") # Command to get pod status command = f'kubectl get pods -n {namespace}' # Execute the command locally host_ip_addr = None pod_status = _exe(host_ip_addr, command) # Print raw output print(f"Raw Output:\n{pod_status}") # Process the output if needed # For now, just print the output as is print(f"Output:\n{pod_status}")copied11 - 12b5GFrPs2YPgBQbgsXnaUAdd this pod status as a code block in the Jira comment
Add this pod status as a code block in the Jira comment
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This code adds the pod status as a code block in the specified Jira ticket using the Jira API.
inputsoutputsimport json import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth # Get environment variables JIRA_USER_NAME = getEnvVar('JIRA_USER_NAME') JIRA_API_KEY = getEnvVar('JIRA_API_KEY') JIRA_BASE_URL = getEnvVar('JIRA_BASE_URL') # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\nissue_url: {issue_url}\npod_status: {pod_status}") # Extract issue key from issue URL issue_key = issue_url.split('/')[-1] # Jira API URL to add a comment to the issue url = f"{JIRA_BASE_URL}/rest/api/3/issue/{issue_key}/comment" # Headers for authentication headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } # Format the pod status as a code block in Atlassian Document Format pod_status_adf = [{ "type": "codeBlock", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": pod_status } ] }] # Payload to add a comment payload = { "body": { "type": "doc", "version": 1, "content": pod_status_adf } } # Make the request to Jira API to add the comment response =, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(JIRA_USER_NAME, JIRA_API_KEY), json=payload) if response.status_code == 201: comment_id = response.json()['id'] print(f"Output:\nComment added successfully with ID: {comment_id}") else: print(f"Failed to add comment. Status code: {response.status_code}")copied12 - 13X4drgZNUgAUdc74jilpkCreate and post a message to Slack channel devops that mentions the repo, the new branch we created, and the issue url
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This code posts a message to the Slack channel devops mentioning the repo, the new branch created, and the issue URL using the Slack API.
inputsoutputsimport json from slack_sdk import WebClient from slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiError # Get environment variables SLACK_API_TOKEN = getEnvVar('SLACK_API_TOKEN') # Print input parameters print(f"Input Parameters:\nrepo_name: {repo_name}\nnew_branch_name: {new_branch_name}\nissue_url: {issue_url}") # Initialize Slack client client = WebClient(token=SLACK_API_TOKEN) # Message to be posted message = f"""A new branch `{new_branch_name}` has been created in the repository `{repo_name}`. It has been built and deployed to dev environment. You can track it here: {issue_url}""" try: # Post message to Slack channel response = client.chat_postMessage( channel='#devops', text=message ) print(f"Output:\nMessage posted successfully to Slack channel devops.") except SlackApiError as e: print(f"Failed to post message to Slack channel. Error: {e.response['error']}")copied13