agent: |
vvZDjQlWjCjDuQGxFJWNVerify Swap is Active
Verify Swap is Active
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.
- 1xlVzCm9FIfXAS5bdKu98Check Swap Status
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.- Command: swapon --show
- Purpose: Lists active swap files and partitions.
inputsoutputsswapon --showcopied1 - 2UB2aGRKs78bRGmAr8o1OCheck Overall Swap Usage
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.- Command: free -h
- Purpose: Shows total, used, and free swap space in a human-readable format.
inputsoutputsprint("Shows total, used, and free swap space in a human-readable format") command= "free -h" op = _exe(hostname, command) print(op)copied2