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Executing DagKnows tasks on Jira events

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This runbook describes how to set up Jira to trigger and execute a given task in DagKnows

  1. 1

    First create a token in DagKnows to use in Jira webhooks

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    1. Log into your DagKnows account
    2. Click on "Adjust Settings" in the left navigation bar
    3. Look for the "Generate Access Token"
    4. provide a label for the token like jira_dagknows_token or something
    5. Specify the validity period of the token. Like 1 year or something.
    6. Click Generate
    7. This creates a row in the token table. Each row has a copy button to copy the token.
    8. Copy the token and use it in the next step

  2. 2

    Set up webhook in Jira

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    Note: You need to have admin privileges to set up automation in Jira.

    1. Log into Jira
    2. Select the project for which you want to set up the webhook
    3. Click on Project settings on the left side
    4. Click on Automation on the left side

    This takes you to the screen where you can set up the webhook automation
