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Mark Ticket as Solved in Zendesk

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This task updates the status of a selected ticket to 'solved', indicating the issue has been addressed and resolved in the Zendesk support system.

import zenpy from zenpy.lib.exception import ZenpyException, RecordNotFoundException, APIException # Credentials for Zendesk API creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] ZENDESK_EMAIL = creds['username'] ZENDESK_TOKEN = creds['password'] #ZENDESK_SUBDOMAIN = 'your-subdomain' # Initialize Zenpy client client = zenpy.Zenpy(email=ZENDESK_EMAIL, token=ZENDESK_TOKEN, subdomain=ZENDESK_SUBDOMAIN) def mark_ticket_solved(ticket_id): """ Marks a Zendesk ticket as solved. Args: ticket_id (int): The ID of the ticket to be marked as done. The function checks if the ticket exists and is in a markable state (i.e., not already solved or closed), then updates its status to 'solved'. """ try: # Retrieve the ticket by its ID ticket = # Check if the ticket is already in a final state (solved or closed) if ticket.status in ['solved', 'closed']: print(f"Ticket {ticket_id} is already marked as {ticket.status}.") return # Update the ticket status to 'solved' ticket.status = 'solved' print(f"Ticket {ticket_id} has been marked as done (solved).") except RecordNotFoundException: # Handle case where the ticket ID does not exist print(f"Ticket ID {ticket_id} does not exist in Zendesk.") except APIException as api_ex: # Handle API related exceptions print(f"APIException occurred: {api_ex}") except ZenpyException as zen_ex: # Handle other Zendesk related exceptions print(f"ZenpyException occurred: {zen_ex}") except Exception as e: # Catch-all for any other unexpected exceptions print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}") mark_ticket_solved(TICKET_ID_TO_UPDATE)