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Delete Unused AWS Route53 Health Checks

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AWS Route53 is a scalable and highly available DNS service that connects user requests to infrastructure running in AWS and outside. One of its features is health checks, which monitor the health of your resources. Over time, as resources are added or removed, or configurations change, some health checks may no longer be associated with any active resources, leading to unnecessary costs and potential confusion. This runbook identifies and removes these orphaned health checks which helps in optimizing costs, reducing clutter, and ensuring that only relevant health checks are active in your AWS account

  1. 1

    Get All AWS Route53 Health Checks

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    This task retrieves a list of all health checks that have been configured in Amazon's Route53 service. AWS Route53 is a scalable and highly available domain name system (DNS) web service. A health check in Route53 monitors the health and performance of your web applications, web servers, and other resources. By fetching all health checks, users can review, manage, or diagnose the operational status and configuration of their resources, ensuring that the routing policies are working as expected. This can be especially useful for maintaining high availability and redundancy in distributed systems or for troubleshooting issues related to DNS routing.

    import boto3 creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] # Initialize boto3 client for Amazon Route53 route53 = boto3.client('route53',aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) def get_all_healthchecks(): """ Retrieve all health checks from Route53. Returns: - list: List of health check IDs. """ healthchecks = [] try: # Using paginator to handle potential pagination of results paginator = route53.get_paginator('list_health_checks') for page in paginator.paginate(): for healthcheck in page['HealthChecks']: healthchecks.append(healthcheck['Id']) except route53.exceptions.Route53ServiceError as e: print(f"Route53 service error fetching health checks: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error fetching health checks: {e}") finally: return healthchecks #Main Block print("Fetching all health checks...") all_healthchecks = get_all_healthchecks() print(f"Found {len(all_healthchecks)} health checks.") for hc in all_healthchecks: print(hc)
  2. 2

    Filter Out Unused Route53 Health Checks

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    AWS Route53, Amazon's DNS service, offers health checks to monitor and report the availability of specific resources. Over time, with changes in configurations, deployments, or scaling activities, some of these health checks might become redundant, as they are no longer associated with active resources. Filtering out these unused health checks is an essential maintenance activity. By doing so, users can identify and potentially remove extraneous checks, helping streamline the management of their DNS configurations, optimize costs, and maintain a cleaner, more efficient environment.

    import boto3 import sys creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] # Initialize boto3 client for Amazon Route53 route53 = boto3.client('route53',aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) def get_all_resource_record_sets(hosted_zone_id): """ Retrieve all resource record sets for a hosted zone. Returns: - list: List of resource record sets. """ records = [] try: # Using paginator to handle potential pagination of results paginator = route53.get_paginator('list_resource_record_sets') for page in paginator.paginate(HostedZoneId=hosted_zone_id): records.extend(page['ResourceRecordSets']) except route53.exceptions.NoSuchHostedZone as e: print(f"Specified hosted zone {hosted_zone_id} does not exist: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error fetching resource record sets for hosted zone {hosted_zone_id}: {e}") return records # Here, unused health check is a health check which is not associated to any resource record in the hosted zones def filter_unused_healthchecks(hosted_zones, all_healthchecks_s): """ Filter out health checks that are in use. Parameters: - hosted_zones (list): List of hosted zones. - all_healthchecks (list): List of all health checks. Returns: - list: List of unused health check IDs. """ # Initialize an empty set to store health checks that are in use used_healthchecks = set() # Iterate through each hosted zone for hosted_zone in hosted_zones: try: # Fetch resource record sets for the current hosted zone for record in get_all_resource_record_sets(hosted_zone['Id']): # If a health check is associated with the record, add it to the set of used health checks if 'HealthCheckId' in record: used_healthchecks.add(record['HealthCheckId']) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing hosted zone {hosted_zone['Id']}: {e}") # Return the set of health checks that are not in use return list(set(all_healthchecks_s) - used_healthchecks) # Main block # Fetch all hosted zones print("Fetching all hosted zones...") try: hosted_zones = route53.list_hosted_zones()['HostedZones'] print(f"Found {len(hosted_zones)} hosted zones.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error fetching hosted zones: {e}") #sys.exit(1) # Exit the script with an error code # all_healthchecks = [] #for testing otherwise initialized passed down from parent task # all_healthchecks passed down from parent task if all_healthchecks: unused_healthchecks = filter_unused_healthchecks(hosted_zones, all_healthchecks) # Ensure that unused_healthchecks is a list, even if empty unused_healthchecks = unused_healthchecks if unused_healthchecks else [] # Print the unused health checks if unused_healthchecks: print("Unused health checks found:") for hc in unused_healthchecks: print(hc) else: print("No unused health checks found.") else: print("Zero Route 53 Health checks were found") context.skip_sub_tasks = True
    1. 2.1

      Delete AWS Route53 Health Checks

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      AWS Route53 is Amazon's DNS web service, and it provides health checks to monitor the health of resources and applications. Over time, as configurations change or resources are decommissioned, certain health checks might no longer be relevant or needed. Deleting these unnecessary Route53 health checks helps in decluttering the AWS environment, reducing potential costs, and simplifying management. It's essential to periodically review and delete any health checks that are no longer in use to maintain an optimized and streamlined AWS setup.

      import boto3 creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] # Initialize boto3 client for Amazon Route53 route53 = boto3.client('route53',aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) def delete_healthcheck(healthcheck_id): """ Delete a specific health check. Parameters: - healthcheck_id (str): The ID of the health check to delete. """ try: route53.delete_health_check(HealthCheckId=healthcheck_id) print(f"Successfully deleted health check: {healthcheck_id}") except route53.exceptions.NoSuchHealthCheck: print(f"Health check {healthcheck_id} does not exist.") except route53.exceptions.HealthCheckInUse: print(f"Health check {healthcheck_id} is still in use and cannot be deleted.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error deleting health check {healthcheck_id}: {e}") def process_health_checks(unused_healthchecks_list): """ Process and delete the provided health checks. Parameters: - unused_healthchecks_list (list): List of health check IDs to delete. """ # Ensure that unused_healthchecks_list is a list, even if empty unused_healthchecks_list = unused_healthchecks_list if unused_healthchecks_list else [] if unused_healthchecks_list: # Delete each unused health check print("Deleting unused health checks...") for healthcheck_id in unused_healthchecks_list: delete_healthcheck(healthcheck_id) else: print("No unused health checks...") # Main Block ''' # List of unused health checks to delete. # This should be updated based on the output from the previous script. # Example list type -> unused_healthchecks = ['d7d64110-9aa9-4cb2-a63b-9f33d96dd2d2'] # Replace with actual IDs if using the task in a standalone manner and not taking any inputs from parent task ''' # If the unused_healthchecks variable is not defined (e.g., it's not passed from a parent task), initialize it as an empty list. try: unused_healthchecks except NameError: unused_healthchecks = [] # Process (delete) the unused health checks process_health_checks(unused_healthchecks)