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Average CPU Utilizations of all AWS EC2 Instances

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import boto3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta from botocore.exceptions import NoCredentialsError, PartialCredentialsError, BotoCoreError, ClientError, EndpointConnectionError, DataNotFoundError # AWS credentials creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] if locals().get('instances_list') is None: instances_list = [] # Function to fetch CPU utilization for a given instance def fetch_cpu_utilization(instance_id, region, start_time, end_time): try: cloudwatch = boto3.client('cloudwatch', aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name=region) response = cloudwatch.get_metric_data( MetricDataQueries=[ { 'Id': 'cpuUtilization', 'MetricStat': { 'Metric': { 'Namespace': 'AWS/EC2', 'MetricName': 'CPUUtilization', 'Dimensions': [{'Name': 'InstanceId', 'Value': instance_id}] }, 'Period': 3600, # one hour 'Stat': 'Average', }, 'ReturnData': True, }, ], StartTime=start_time, EndTime=end_time ) return response['MetricDataResults'][0]['Timestamps'], response['MetricDataResults'][0]['Values'] except Exception as e: print(f"Error getting CPU utilization for instance {instance_id}: {e}") return [], [] # Main plotting logic def plot_cpu_utilization(instances_list, lookback_days=7): end_time = datetime.utcnow() start_time = end_time - timedelta(days=lookback_days) for instance in instances_list: if instance['State'] != 'running': continue timestamps, cpu_values = fetch_cpu_utilization(instance['InstanceId'], instance['Region'], start_time, end_time) # Check if data is available if timestamps: context.plot.add_trace( name=f"Instance {instance['InstanceId']}", xpts=timestamps, # x-axis points ypts=cpu_values, # y-axis points tracetype="line" ) # Set plot properties context.plot.xlabel = 'Date' context.plot.ylabel = 'Average CPU Utilization (%)' context.plot.title = f'CPU Utilization per EC2 Instance (Last {lookback_days} Days)' # Execute the plotting function plot_cpu_utilization(instances_list)