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Scan AWS EC2 Security Groups for Access Audit

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This runbook scans AWS EC2 Security Groups for an access audit, focusing on two key areas: ports that are open to all ( and access rules that allow ingress from individual IPs, excluding common NAT gateways and VPN IP ranges. It provides a detailed report of the security groups, including associated instances and tags, to ensure comprehensive security analysis and compliance.

  1. 1

    List all AWS EC2 Security Groups

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    This task involves retrieving and displaying all EC2 Security Groups across specified or all AWS regions, including details such as Group ID, Group Name, Description, VPC ID, associated instances, and tags.

    import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import NoCredentialsError, ClientError creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] def get_regions(ec2_client): return [region['RegionName'] for region in ec2_client.describe_regions()['Regions']] def list_security_groups(ec2_client, region=None): paginator = ec2_client.get_paginator('describe_security_groups') security_groups = [] try: for page in paginator.paginate(): for sg in page['SecurityGroups']: # Fetching associated instances for each security group associated_instances = [] reservations = ec2_client.describe_instances(Filters=[{'Name': '', 'Values': [sg['GroupId']]}]) for reservation in reservations['Reservations']: for instance in reservation['Instances']: associated_instances.append(instance['InstanceId']) # Fetching tags for each security group tags = {tag['Key']: tag['Value'] for tag in sg.get('Tags', [])} security_groups.append({ 'GroupId': sg['GroupId'], 'GroupName': sg.get('GroupName', 'N/A'), 'Description': sg.get('Description', 'N/A'), 'VpcId': sg.get('VpcId', 'N/A'), 'Region': region, 'AssociatedInstances': associated_instances, 'Tags': tags }) except ClientError as e: print(f"Error retrieving security groups in {region}: {e}") return security_groups def list_all_security_groups(region_name=None): """ List all security groups in a specified region or in all regions if no region is specified. Args: region_name (str, optional): AWS region name. Lists security groups in all regions if None. Defaults to None. """ # Initialize client for the default region to fetch regions if needed ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2', aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name='us-east-1') if region_name: #print(f"Listing security groups in region: {region_name}") regions = [region_name] else: #print("No specific region provided. Listing security groups in all regions.") regions = get_regions(ec2_client) all_security_groups = [] for region in regions: #print(f"Processing region: {region}") regional_client = boto3.client('ec2', aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name=region) all_security_groups.extend(list_security_groups(regional_client, region)) return all_security_groups def display_security_groups(security_groups): # Initialize table with the desired structure and headers table = context.newtable() table.title = "Security Group Details" table.num_cols = 7 # Number of columns according to headers table.num_rows = 1 # Starts with one row for headers table.has_header_row = True # Define header names based on the new structure headers = ["Region", "GroupId", "GroupName", "Description", "VpcId", "Associated Instances", "Tags"] # Set headers in the first row for col_num, header in enumerate(headers): table.setval(0, col_num, header) # Sort the security group data by Region for better organization security_groups.sort(key=lambda x: x['Region']) # Populate the table with security group data for row_num, sg in enumerate(security_groups, start=1): # Starting from the second row table.num_rows += 1 # Add a row for each security group values = [ sg['Region'], sg['GroupId'], sg['GroupName'], sg['Description'], sg['VpcId'], ', '.join(sg['AssociatedInstances']), ', '.join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in sg['Tags'].items()]) ] for col_num, value in enumerate(values): table.setval(row_num, col_num, value) # Example usage try: #region_name = None # Set to None to list security groups for all available regions or specify a region security_groups = list_all_security_groups(region_name) display_security_groups(security_groups) except NoCredentialsError: print("Error: AWS credentials not available. Please configure them.") except ClientError as e: print(f"AWS Client error: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
  2. 2

    Filter out AWS EC2 Security Groups for ports which are open to All

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    This task involves identifying and listing all EC2 Security Groups that have ports accessible from any IP address (, highlighting potential security risks where services are exposed to the entire internet.

    import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, NoCredentialsError, BotoCoreError creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] def get_ec2_client(region_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key): """ Initialize and return an EC2 client for the specified AWS region. """ try: return boto3.client('ec2', aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name=region_name) except NoCredentialsError: print(f"Credentials not available for region: {region_name}") raise except Exception as e: print(f"Unexpected error during client initialization for region {region_name}: {e}") raise def scan_open_ports(security_groups, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key): """ Scan the provided security groups to find open ports accessible from any IP ( Args: security_groups (list): A list of dictionaries, each representing a security group. aws_access_key_id (str): AWS access key ID. aws_secret_access_key (str): AWS secret access key. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries detailing the open ports, including the region of each security group. """ open_ports = [] clients = {} # Cache to store EC2 clients for each region to avoid reinitialization for sg in security_groups: region = sg['Region'] if region not in clients: clients[region] = get_ec2_client(region, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key) try: # Fetch the detailed info of each security group using the regional client response = clients[region].describe_security_groups(GroupIds=[sg['GroupId']]) for group in response['SecurityGroups']: for perm in group['IpPermissions']: # Check if rule allows all IP addresses for ip_range in perm['IpRanges']: if ip_range['CidrIp'] == '': # Collect information about the open port and protocol open_ports.append({ 'GroupId': sg['GroupId'], 'GroupName': sg['GroupName'], 'Region': region, # Including the region in the details 'IpProtocol': perm['IpProtocol'], 'FromPort': perm.get('FromPort', 'All'), 'ToPort': perm.get('ToPort', 'All'), 'Description': ip_range.get('Description', 'No description provided') }) except ClientError as e: print(f"ClientError for group {sg['GroupId']} in region {region}: {e}") except BotoCoreError as e: print(f"BotoCoreError for group {sg['GroupId']} in region {region}: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"An unexpected error occurred for group {sg['GroupId']} in region {region}: {e}") return open_ports def display_open_ports(data): """ Displays details about open ports in a table format. Args: data (list): A list of dictionaries containing open port details. """ # Initialize table with the desired structure and headers table = context.newtable() table.title = "Open Ports Details" table.num_cols = 7 # Number of columns according to headers table.num_rows = 1 # Starts with one row for headers table.has_header_row = True # Define header names based on the new structure headers = ["Group ID", "Group Name", "Region", "Protocol", "From Port", "To Port", "Description"] # Set headers in the first row for col_num, header in enumerate(headers): table.setval(0, col_num, header) # Sort the open port data by Group ID for better organization data.sort(key=lambda x: x["GroupId"]) # Populate the table with open port data for row_num, port in enumerate(data, start=1): # Starting from the second row table.num_rows += 1 # Add a row for each entry values = [ port["GroupId"], port["GroupName"], str(port["Region"]), port["IpProtocol"], str(port["FromPort"]), str(port["ToPort"]), port["Description"] ] for col_num, value in enumerate(values): table.setval(row_num, col_num, value) # Example usage try: open_ports = scan_open_ports(security_groups, access_key, secret_key) if open_ports: table = display_open_ports(open_ports) else: print("No ports open to all found.") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred during the scanning process: {e}")
  3. 3

    Filter out AWS EC2 Security Groups for Access Audit for Non-Standard IP Ranges(Excluding IPs for NAT Gateways and VPNs)

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    This task involves scanning EC2 Security Groups to identify and list rules that grant ingress access from specific IP ranges, excluding standard NAT gateway and VPN IP ranges. This helps in auditing and ensuring that no unauthorized or non-standard IP addresses have access to the instances.

    import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, NoCredentialsError, BotoCoreError # Retrieve AWS credentials creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] # List of excluded IPs (IPs used for NAT Gateways and VPNs) excluded_ips = ['', '', ''] def get_ec2_client(region_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key): """ Initialize and return an EC2 client for the specified AWS region. """ try: return boto3.client('ec2', aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, region_name=region_name) except NoCredentialsError: print(f"Credentials not available for region: {region_name}") raise except Exception as e: print(f"Unexpected error during client initialization for region {region_name}: {e}") raise def scan_specific_access(security_groups, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, excluded_ips): """ Scan the provided security groups to identify ingress rules granting access from specific source IPs, excluding common NAT and VPN ranges. Args: security_groups (list): Each dictionary represents a security group. aws_access_key_id (str): AWS access key ID. aws_secret_access_key (str): AWS secret access key. excluded_ips (list): Source IP ranges to exclude from the results. Returns: list: Details of the specific access rules identified. """ specific_access_rules = [] clients = {} # Cache EC2 clients to avoid reinitialization for sg in security_groups: region = sg['Region'] if region not in clients: clients[region] = get_ec2_client(region, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key) try: rules_response = clients[region].describe_security_group_rules(Filters=[{'Name': 'group-id', 'Values': [sg['GroupId']]}]) for rule in rules_response['SecurityGroupRules']: # Check for ingress rules with individual IPs, excluding common NAT and VPN ranges if 'CidrIpv4' in rule and not rule['IsEgress'] and not any(ip in rule['CidrIpv4'] for ip in excluded_ips): specific_access_rules.append({ 'RuleId': rule['SecurityGroupRuleId'], 'GroupId': sg['GroupId'], 'GroupName': sg['GroupName'], 'Region': region, 'IpProtocol': rule['IpProtocol'], 'FromPort': rule.get('FromPort', 'All'), 'ToPort': rule.get('ToPort', 'All'), 'SourceIP': rule['CidrIpv4'], 'Description': rule.get('Description', 'No description provided') }) except ClientError as e: print(f"ClientError for group {sg['GroupId']} in region {region}: {e}") except BotoCoreError as e: print(f"BotoCoreError for group {sg['GroupId']} in region {region}: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"An unexpected error occurred for group {sg['GroupId']} in region {region}: {e}") return specific_access_rules def display_specific_access(data): """ Displays details about specific access rules in a table format. """ # Initialize table with the desired structure and headers table = context.newtable() table.title = "Access Audit for Non Standard IPs Rule Details" table.num_cols = 9 # Number of columns according to headers table.num_rows = 1 # Starts with one row for headers table.has_header_row = True # Define header names based on the new structure headers = ["Rule ID", "Group ID", "Group Name", "Region", "Protocol", "From Port", "To Port", "Source IP", "Description"] # Set headers in the first row for col_num, header in enumerate(headers): table.setval(0, col_num, header) # Sort the specific access data by Group ID for better organization data.sort(key=lambda x: x["GroupId"]) # Populate the table with specific access data for row_num, rule in enumerate(data, start=1): # Starting from the second row table.num_rows += 1 # Add a row for each entry values = [ rule["RuleId"], rule["GroupId"], rule["GroupName"], str(rule["Region"]), rule["IpProtocol"], str(rule["FromPort"]), str(rule["ToPort"]), rule["SourceIP"], rule["Description"] ] for col_num, value in enumerate(values): table.setval(row_num, col_num, value) # Usage Example try: specific_access_rules = scan_specific_access(security_groups, access_key, secret_key, excluded_ips) if specific_access_rules: display_specific_access(specific_access_rules) else: print("No specific access rules found or all are filtered by exclusions.") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred during the scanning process: {e}")