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Check Firewall Rules Blocking the connection on windows client machine side (Powershell)

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# Define the firewall rule name and port $ruleName = "Allow OpenVPN UDP 1194" $port = 1194 $protocol = "UDP" $context.ctxprint("Checking for existing firewall rule for UDP traffic on port $port...") # Check if a rule already exists for UDP traffic on port 1194 $existingRule = netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all | Select-String -Pattern "LocalPort.*$port", "RemotePort.*$port" if ($existingRule) { $context.ctxprint("Firewall rule for UDP traffic on port $port already exists. No action needed.") } else { $context.ctxprint("No existing firewall rule for UDP traffic on port $port. Adding a new rule...") # Add the firewall rule to allow inbound UDP traffic on port 1194 $addRuleCommand = "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=`"$ruleName`" protocol=$protocol dir=in localport=$port action=allow" Invoke-Expression $addRuleCommand | Out-Null $context.ctxprint("Firewall rule successfully added to allow UDP traffic on port $port.") $context.ctxprint("Verifying the newly added rule...") # Verify the status of the newly added rule $verifyRule = netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="$ruleName" $context.ctxprint("Verification complete. Details of the firewall rule for VPN Port ($port):") $context.ctxprint($verifyRule) } $context.ctxprint("Script completed.")