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Pause an AWS Redshift Cluster

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Pausing an AWS Redshift cluster is a cost-saving measure that allows users to temporarily halt all computational activities within the cluster while preserving its data. Once paused, you are not charged for cluster usage, though storage charges still apply. This feature is particularly useful during predictable downtime periods or when cluster analysis isn't required. Utilizing the pause functionality can lead to significant cost reductions, especially in environments with fluctuating operational demands.

import boto3 creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] # Check if 'cluster_identifier' has been provided from the parent task. If not, initialize it to an empty string. cluster_identifier = cluster_identifier if 'cluster_identifier' in locals() else "" def pause_redshift_cluster(cluster_id, region): try: redshift = boto3.client('redshift', aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key,region_name=region) # Attempt to pause the specified Redshift cluster response = redshift.pause_cluster(ClusterIdentifier=cluster_id) # Check the cluster status to confirm the pause operation if response['Cluster']['ClusterStatus'] == 'pausing': print(f"Pausing cluster {cluster_id}.") return True else: print(f"Unexpected status {response['Cluster']['ClusterStatus']} for cluster {cluster_id}.") return False # Handle specific exceptions except redshift.exceptions.ClusterNotFoundFault: print(f"Cluster {cluster_id} not found.") return False except redshift.exceptions.InvalidClusterStateFault: print(f"Cluster {cluster_id} is in an invalid state for pausing.") return False except redshift.exceptions.ClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault: print(f"A snapshot for cluster {cluster_id} already exists. Please delete or rename before pausing.") return False except redshift.exceptions.UnauthorizedOperation: print(f"Unauthorized to pause cluster {cluster_id}. Check your AWS IAM permissions.") return False # Handle general exceptions except Exception as e: print(f"Error pausing cluster {cluster_id}: {e}") return False def process_pause_operation(cluster_identifier, region): if not cluster_identifier.strip(): # Check if cluster_identifier is an empty string or None print("No Redshift Cluster provided for pausing") return # Exit the function early # Try pausing the cluster and print feedback success = pause_redshift_cluster(cluster_identifier, region) if success: print("Pause operation initiated successfully.") else: print("Failed to initiate pause operation.") process_pause_operation(cluster_identifier,pause_cluster_region) context.proceed = False