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Choose or Create an AWS KMS CMK

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This task selects an existing AWS KMS Customer Master Key (CMK) or creates a new one if none exists. It checks for a CMK with a specific alias, creating a new key for encryption purposes as needed. This ensures enhanced security and compliance in AWS environments.

import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError creds = _get_creds(cred_label)['creds'] access_key = creds['username'] secret_key = creds['password'] def create_or_choose_kms_key(alias_name, region_name): """ Creates a new AWS KMS Customer Master Key (CMK) or returns an existing one based on the alias in the specified region. :param alias_name: Alias name for the KMS key. :param region_name: AWS region where the KMS key is to be created or found. :return: ARN of the KMS key. """ kms_client = boto3.client('kms', aws_access_key_id=access_key,aws_secret_access_key=secret_key,region_name=region_name) try: # Check if an alias exists for the given name aliases = kms_client.list_aliases() for alias in aliases['Aliases']: if alias['AliasName'] == 'alias/' + alias_name: print(f"Existing KMS key found for alias {alias_name} in {region_name}") return alias['TargetKeyId'] # If alias does not exist, create a new KMS CMK print(f"Creating a new KMS CMK for alias {alias_name} in {region_name}") key = kms_client.create_key(Description=f'KMS CMK for CloudTrail in {region_name}') kms_client.create_alias(AliasName='alias/' + alias_name, TargetKeyId=key['KeyMetadata']['KeyId']) return key['KeyMetadata']['Arn'] except ClientError as e: print(f"Error occurred while creating or retrieving KMS key in {region_name}: {e}") return None # Example usage #alias_name = 'my-cloudtrail-key-2' #region_name = 'us-east-1' # Replace with your desired AWS region kms_key_arn = create_or_choose_kms_key(alias_name, region_name) if kms_key_arn: print(f"KMS Key ARN in {region_name}: {kms_key_arn}") # Extracting the KMS Key ID from the ARN kms_key_id = kms_key_arn.split(':')[-1].split('/')[-1] # print(kms_key_id) # for debugging # Example Structure # kms_key_arn = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:355237452254:key/7e38fb56-e600-4130-bf5a-b8fbc8bd2cf7" # kms_key = "7e38fb56-e600-4130-bf5a-b8fbc8bd2cf7"