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Security group blocked the API request

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Looks at the security groups of the master instances (by their IDs) to check if there are possible port configuration mismatches preventing connectivity.

import json for instance_id in master_instance_ids: _problem = True cmd = f"aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids {instance_id} --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].SecurityGroups[*].GroupId' --output=text" sg_ids1 = _exe(None, cmd) print(sg_ids1) sg_ids = re.split('\s',sg_ids1.strip()) if sg_ids: for sg_id in sg_ids: if not sg_id: continue cmd1 = 'aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filter Name=group-id,Values=' cmd1+= sg_id cmd1+= ' --query SecurityGroups[*].IpPermissions[*]' op = _exe(None, cmd1) json_op = json.loads(op) for sg in json_op: for rule in sg: if 'FromPort' in rule: port_lo = int(rule['FromPort']) port_hi = port_lo if 'ToPort' in rule: port_hi = int(rule['ToPort']) if port >= port_lo and port <= port_hi: _problem = False else: continue if _problem: break if _problem: context.log("ERROR", "Found problem")