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Patch Assessment, Installation, maintenance configuration schedule and attaching a VM to the schedule for Azure VMs
This runbook encompasses assessing available updates, installing necessary patches, and configuring maintenance schedules to automate these tasks. By attaching VMs to a maintenance schedule, you ensure they receive timely updates for security and performance, minimizing downtime and maintaining operational efficiency. This streamlined approach enhances security, compliance, and the reliability of cloud environments.
- 1HFpq6CyA0hdwBA895LD6List all Azure VMs using cli commands
List all Azure VMs using cli commands
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This task displays information about all virtual machines within a specific azure subscription and provides essential details such as VM names, their resource groups, locations, and creation times. It's a vital process for cloud administrators to manage and monitor their VM infrastructure effectively, enabling informed decisions about resource utilization and infrastructure management.
inputsoutputsimport json def process_vm_data(vm_data): processed_vms = [] for vm in vm_data: vm_details = { 'vm_name': vm['name'], 'resource_group': vm['resourceGroup'], 'location': vm['location'], 'vm_size': vm['hardwareProfile']['vmSize'], 'os_type': vm['storageProfile']['osDisk']['osType'], 'os_disk_name': vm['storageProfile']['osDisk']['name'], 'os_disk_id': vm['storageProfile']['osDisk']['managedDisk']['id'] } processed_vms.append(vm_details) return processed_vms try: result = _exe(None, "az vm list") op = json.loads(result) #print(json.dumps(op,indent=4)) # for debugging # Processing the VM data processed_vms = process_vm_data(op) #print(processed_vms) # for debugging # Printing the processed VM details for downstream tasks for vm in processed_vms: #print(json.dumps(vm, indent=4)) print("VM Details") print("==========") print(f"VM Name: {vm['vm_name']}") print(f"Resource Group: {vm['resource_group']}") print(f"Location: {vm['location']}") print(f"VM Size: {vm['vm_size']}") print(f"OS Type: {vm['os_type']}") print(f"OS Disk Name: {vm['os_disk_name']}") print(f"OS Disk ID: {vm['os_disk_id']}") print("-" * 30) # Separator for readability between VMs except json.JSONDecodeError: print("Error decoding JSON response from Azure CLI.")copied1 - 2gB3sAeq7f3ku9hilddEjPatch assessment for Azure VMs
Patch assessment for Azure VMs
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This task identifies and evaluates missing updates and security patches. This essential management task ensures VM security, performance, and compliance, protecting against vulnerabilities and threats.
inputsoutputsimport json def assess_patches_for_vms(processed_vms): patches_list = [] for vm in processed_vms: vm_name = vm['vm_name'] resource_group = vm['resource_group'] # Constructing the Azure CLI command command = f"az vm assess-patches -g {resource_group} -n {vm_name}" try: # Execute the command result = _exe(None, command) patches_info = json.loads(result) # Store the patches info with VM name patches_list.append({ 'vm_name': vm_name, 'patches_info': patches_info }) print(f"Patches assessed for VM: {vm_name}") except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error decoding JSON response for VM: {vm_name} as the VM maybe stopped or deallocated") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred while assessing patches for VM: {vm_name}: {str(e)}") return patches_list # Example VM details obtained from previous steps #processed_vms = [{'vm_name': 'test-update-manager', 'resource_group': 'DEFAULTRESOURCEGROUP-EUS', 'location': 'eastus', 'vm_size': 'Standard_B1s', 'os_type': 'Linux', 'os_disk_name': 'test-update-manager_disk1_9ca2728077904a74a8a09a9d40efc938', 'os_disk_id': '/subscriptions/955ecf93-74f8-4728-bd2a-31094aa55629/resourceGroups/DEFAULTRESOURCEGROUP-EUS/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/test-update-manager_disk1_9ca2728077904a74a8a09a9d40efc938'}, {'vm_name': 'test-update-manager-customer-managed', 'resource_group': 'RG-VMINSTANCES-EASTUS', 'location': 'eastus', 'vm_size': 'Standard_D2s_v3', 'os_type': 'Linux', 'os_disk_name': 'test-update-manager-customer-managed_disk1_8db9f76765ff459c8084f5949c4fd8aa', 'os_disk_id': '/subscriptions/955ecf93-74f8-4728-bd2a-31094aa55629/resourceGroups/rg-vminstances-eastus/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/test-update-manager-customer-managed_disk1_8db9f76765ff459c8084f5949c4fd8aa'}] patches_list = assess_patches_for_vms(processed_vms) # Example: Printing the patches list for item in patches_list: print(json.dumps(item, indent=4)) context.proceed=Falsecopied2 - 3cXsgb9i7UeAIZhiAb0v2Patch Installation on Azure VMs
Patch Installation on Azure VMs
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This task applies critical and security updates to operating systems and software. This process, vital for maintaining system integrity and security, reduces vulnerability to attacks and ensures the VMs run optimally.
inputsoutputsimport json def install_critical_and_security_patches(vm_details): for vm in vm_details: vm_name = vm['vm_name'] resource_group = vm['resource_group'] # Specify the classifications to include classifications = "Other" #"Security" command = f"az vm install-patches -g {resource_group} -n {vm_name} --maximum-duration PT4H --reboot-setting IfRequired --classifications-to-include {classifications}" try: result = _exe(None, command) print(f"Patches installation initiated for VM: {vm_name} in resource group: {resource_group}.") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to initiate patch installation for VM: {vm_name} in resource group: {resource_group}. Error: {str(e)}") # processed_vms to be received from upstream task install_critical_and_security_patches(processed_vms) context.proceed=Falsecopied3 - 4ZMgKgIy6RK48QDiPWs30Create a maintenance configuration schedule for Azure VM Patch Upgrades
Create a maintenance configuration schedule for Azure VM Patch Upgrades
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This task involves defining specific times and settings for automated system updates. This approach ensures VMs receive necessary patches with minimal disruption, enhancing security and performance while adhering to operational requirements.
inputsoutputsaz maintenance configuration create \ --resource-group <Resource_Group_Name> \ --resource-name <maintenance_config_name> \ --maintenance-scope InGuestPatch \ --location <location> \ --maintenance-window-duration "02:00" \ --maintenance-window-recur-every "20days" \ --maintenance-window-start-date-time "2022-12-30 07:00" \ --maintenance-window-time-zone "Pacific Standard Time" \ --install-patches-linux-parameters package-name-masks-to-exclude="ppt" package-name-masks-to-include="apt" classifications-to-include="Other" \ --install-patches-windows-parameters kb-numbers-to-exclude="KB123456" kb-numbers-to-include="KB123456" classifications-to-include="FeaturePack" \ --reboot-setting "IfRequired" \ --extension-properties InGuestPatchMode="User"copied4 - 5g3eMenEH1mlJgyFyj81MAssociate an Azure VM with a schedule
Associate an Azure VM with a schedule
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This task links the virtual machine to a predefined update timetable. This process ensures that the VM undergoes maintenance and receives updates according to the schedule, facilitating systematic patch management and minimizing downtime.
inputsoutputsaz maintenance assignment create \ --resource-group <Resource_Group_Name> \ --location <location> \ --resource-name <VM_Name> \ --resource-type virtualMachines \ --provider-name Microsoft.Compute \ --configuration-assignment-name <maintenance_config_name> \ --maintenance-configuration-id "/subscriptions/{<subscription ID>}/resourcegroups/<Resource_Group_Name>/providers/Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/<maintenance_config_name>"copied5 - 6wfkICpJjMRMOWy9RB2j4Remove Azure VM from the schedule
Remove Azure VM from the schedule
There was a problem that the LLM was not able to address. Please rephrase your prompt and try again.This task detaches the VM from its assigned update timetable. This action halts automatic patch management and maintenance activities based on the schedule, allowing for manual update control or reassignment to a different maintenance plan.
inputsoutputsaz rest --method delete --uri \ "<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<VM_or_Arc_Resource_Name>/providers/Microsoft.Maintenance/configurationAssignments/<configurationAssignmentName>?api-version=2021-09-01-preview"copied6